Mark Christian, AuD

Don't compromise when it comes to your hearing care treatment. By following Audiology Best Practices and developing new and effective treatment protocols, your local Hearing Up Network Provider is able to achieve industry-leading patient outcomes.

Audiology Associates of Deerfield

400 Lake Cook Rd
Suite 101
Deerfield, IL 60015

About your local Dr. Cliff Approved Audiologist

About your local Dr. Cliff Approved Hearing Care Provider

Dr.Christian obtained his Doctorate in Audiology in 2007 from SalusUniversity.  He is a member of theAcademy of Doctors of Audiology and Illinois Academy of Audiology.  Growing up in the Chicago suburbs, he has nowpracticed in the Chicagoland area for over 20 years.The field ofaudiology was a natural career path for Dr. Christian – he was born and raisedby 2 deaf parents.  He learned signlanguage at a young age and spent a lifetime around people with hearing loss.He saw firsthand how hearing loss affected communication and the impact it hadon relationships. This personal history allows him to fully understand the situationshis patients and family members often experience.  Theutilization of best practices is imperative in our field which is why Dr.Christian joined Audiology Associates of Deerfield in 2014.  All clinicians at the practice strictlyadhere to the fundamental philosophy of creating a patient centered approach tohearing healthcare.  We believe eachperson is unique and strive to customize treatment based on each person’sneeds.  Staying up to date with treatmentand technology has allowed us to maximize patient outcomes in their treatmentprocess.  This made joining the BestPractice Pro network a natural connection as it aligns us with other providersthat believe in the same core philosophy. Dr.Christian and his wife have 2 very active young boys. When not at work you’llfind them at the baseball field, basketball court, or just about anywheresports are involved!  ‍

Why Choose Dr. Christian with Audiology Associates of Deerfield

Top-Rated Care

Audiology Associates of Deerfield is consistently the most highly rated hearing practice in Deerfield for a reason -- our #1 focus is your experience! You're in great hands with our team!

Dr. Cliff Approved

Dr. Mark Christian has completed a thorough 1 on 1 vetting process with Dr. Cliff himself to verify that he follows Best Practices in patient care.

Top Hearing Technology

As an independent Private Practice Audiologist, Dr. Christian will hand-pick the best hearing technology available for your unique needs.

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Patient Reviews

What is a HearingUp Provider?

Working with an Audiologist that follows best practices (just like Dr. Cliff does in his clinics) is the key to a life-transforming hearing care experience.

That's why our network was created, to help people just like you find a local audiologist that follows Best Practices.

Only about 20% of providers follow audiology best practices

Choosing a HearingUp Network Provider ensures that you will receive hearing care that includes Best Practices -- leading to your best hearing when it matters the most.

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