Vendedores de aparelhos auditivos “especialmente treinados” | Por que você deve usar CUIDADO

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The hearing aid industry gets a bad rap because there are many clinics out there who are more focused on selling hearing aids than treating hearing loss.  Yet, despite this negative perception, we still have clinics who are more focused on increasing sales than they are improving patient outcomes.In my opinion, there is one particularly shady side of the hearing industry and that is over the use of "Specially Trained" Hearing Aid Salespeople.

Basically how it works is a clinic will arrange to bring in a sales expert who specializes in influencing patients to buy hearing aids.  These clinics will design an entire marketing campaign around a "special event", and entice you to come in by offering everything from a FREE hearing test to a FREE box of chocolates.  When you come in on that special day, you will be part of a well oiled machine that is designed to get you to purchase hearing aids at any cost as quickly as possible.  This Sales Expert will pull out all of his/her crafty sales tricks to get you in a nice new shiny set of hearing aids.

The crazy thing is, these events actually work. People buy hearing aids from these sales outfits instead of from facilities that focus primarily on hearing treatment and education.  The questions are, is this Salesperson operating in your best interest?   Do you obtain a complete understanding of your hearing loss and treatment options? Are you being recommended the right hearing aids for you, or just a hearing aid of the manufacturer who sponsors the events.

Just like other areas of your healthcare, you should do your due diligence when selecting who to purchase hearing aids from.  Even if you don't understand every detail of the treatment, you should do enough research to know if the hearing care provider you are working with has your best interests in mind.

The intent of your first visit should be for testing and to get an understanding of your hearing loss and to interview the hearing care provider.  If you aren't sure what things to look for in a hearing care provider, take a look at this checklist: https://appliedhearingaz-my.sharepoin...

Or, watch my video on how to find a great hearing care provider: be quite honest, I don't care where you decide to get your hearing loss treated or where you buy your hearing aids from.  Just make sure you do your due diligence before making that decision.

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