Rachael Cook, Au.D.

Don't compromise when it comes to your hearing care treatment. By following Audiology Best Practices and developing new and effective treatment protocols, your local Hearing Up Network Provider is able to achieve industry-leading patient outcomes.

Applied Hearing Solutions

4045 E Union Hills Dr
Suite #D128
Phoenix, AZ 85050

About your local Dr. Cliff Approved Audiologist

About your local Dr. Cliff Approved Hearing Care Provider

Dr. Cook obtained her doctoral degree in Audiology from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology. Dr. Cook completed her externship year at the Austin VA Outpatient Clinic providing hearing healthcare to patients with noise-induced hearing loss, tinnitus, and other sound sensitivity disorders. She joins Applied Hearing Solutions after working in an Otolaryngology (ENT) practice treating a wide variety of medically complex patients. Dr. Cook is passionate about providing best practice hearing healthcare for patients with hearing loss and tinnitus. In her spare time, she loves to hike and camp with her fiancé and dogs, tend to her garden, and try out new crochet projects.

Why Choose Rachael Cook with Applied Hearing Solutions?

Top-Rated Care

Applied Hearing Solutions is consistently the most highly rated hearing practice in Phoenix, AZ for a reason — our top focus is your experience! You're in great hands with our team!

Dr. Cliff Approved

Dr. Cook has trained with Dr. Cliff himself to verify that she follows evidence-based best practices in patient care.

Top Hearing Technology

As an independent Private Practice Audiologist, Rachael Cook, Au.D. will help you select the best hearing technology available for your unique needs.

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Patient Reviews

What is a HearingUp Provider?

Working with an Audiologist that follows best practices (just like Dr. Cliff does in his clinics) is the key to a life-transforming hearing care experience.

That's why our network was created, to help people just like you find a local audiologist that follows Best Practices.

Only about 20% of providers follow audiology best practices

Choosing a HearingUp Network Provider ensures that you will receive hearing care that includes Best Practices -- leading to your best hearing when it matters the most.

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