Jeffrey D. Olson, AuD

No haga concesiones cuando se trata de su tratamiento auditivo. Al seguir las mejores prácticas de audiología y desarrollar protocolos de tratamiento nuevos y eficaces, su proveedor local de la red Hearing Up puede lograr los mejores resultados del sector para sus pacientes.


HearCare Audiology Center

2800 Hillview St
Sarasota, FL 34239

Acerca de su audiólogo local aprobado por el Dr. Cliff

About your local Dr. Cliff Approved Hearing Care Provider

Dr. Olson has been with the HearCare Audiology team since December 2007 starting out as a Hearing Aid Assistant and Practice Development Representative. Several years ago, Jeffrey graduated from Nova Southeastern University to become an Audiologist.Jeffrey has been preforming hearing screenings, prescribing, and fitting hearing devices since 2008. He is an authorized Lyric Hearing Aid provider with the most expansive knowledge providing Lyric fittings for over 11 years. Although Dr. Olson was born and raised in Sarasota, his mother is from Austrian descent therefore, he is fluent in the German language and has traveled extensively throughout Europe.Jeffrey received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from the University of North Florida. He earned an International degree in the German Language from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He is a member of the International Hearing Society and the Florida Society of Hearing Healthcare Professionals. Born and raised in Sarasota, Jeffrey has grown up with a love for the water including sailing and surfing. He enjoys spending time with his lovely wife and beautiful daughters.Why do you feel Best Practices are critical for optimal Hearing Aid performance?"Best practice protocols are critical for our patient’s success with amplification because they help objectively factor in the patient's unique ear canal anatomy, aids in establishing and figuring out individual noise tolerances, and helps the audiologist set up a long-term fitting plan for each individual patient.  As a Doctor of Audiology, we know how unique fitting hearing aids can be for each patient. Having best practices helps us objectively see what areas we need to focus more attention on and in turn helps set each patient up for better long-term success with hearing amplification.  When seeing a Doctor of Audiology that uses best practices, your overall success with amplification will be much greater."Why did you feel compelled to join the Dr. Cliff Approved Provider Network?"While researching new trends in Audiology online about a year ago I noticed Dr. Cliff’s informational YouTube videos. I started following Dr. Cliff and noticed that he was a huge proponent of best practices as you all may already know.  Since we were already following this protocol it seemed like a natural fit to join Dr. Cliff’s network. Dr. Cliff is reaching many more hearing aid users than any other platform I’ve seen in the almost 13 years working in the hearing healthcare field. I think it’s great that there is a consistent message that patients can go to for all things audiology and hearing related.  Dr. Cliff’s videos are a great reference to learn about new features with new hearing aid technology and assisted listening devices."What do you like best about Audiology?"What I find best about audiology is the long-term relationships that are built with patients and helping guide those patients through the process of amplification from start to finish.  Fitting hearing aids is not a one fit solution for all. It’s a unique process that needs to be individualized for each patient. Learning what that process is through best practices and guiding the patient through to the end for what I call their “hearing smiles” is what’s most fulfilling to me." What was your journey to becoming an Audiologist?"My father was a primary care doctor in town and I was lucky enough as a child to go on rounds with him.  One thing I noticed with my father is that he would perform his necessary tasks as a doctor, but then he would sit down with each patient and ask his patients about their kids, family, and hobbies. I remember being 12 years old and thinking “wow he knows just as much about them as he would a close family member.” I didn’t think much about this until I found myself in the field of audiology later in life. What I found most enjoyable about audiology was the exact same thing that my father loved practicing medicine. Helping others and developing long lasting relationships with our patients was what we both found most satisfying.  During my time studying to become a Doctor of Audiology I learned how imperative following best practices is based off of the patient's overall success and happiness with their new hearing devices.  This led me into private practice where I have the opportunity to spend all the necessary time needed with my patients to ensure they are properly fit and happy on their hearing journey!"‍‍

Why Choose Dr. Olson with HearCare Audiology?

Atención mejor valorada

HearCare Audology is consistently the most highly rated hearing practice in Sarasota for a reason -- our #1 focus is your experience! You're in great hands with our team!

Aprobado por el Dr. Cliff

Dr. Jeffrey D. Olson has completed a thorough 1 on 1 vetting process with Dr. Cliff himself to verify that he follows Best Practices in patient care.

La mejor tecnología auditiva

As an independent Private Practice Audiologist, Dr. Jeffrey D. Olson will hand-pick the best hearing technology available for your unique needs.

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Qué es una audienciaArriba ¿Proveedor?

Trabajar con un audiólogo que siga las mejores prácticas (al igual que Doctor Cliff lo hace en sus clínicas) es la clave para una experiencia de cuidado auditivo que transforme la vida.

Por eso se creó nuestra red, para ayudar a personas como usted a encontrar un audiólogo local que siga las mejores prácticas.

Solo alrededor del 20% de los proveedores siguen las mejores prácticas de audiología

La elección de un proveedor de la red HearingUp garantiza que recibirá una atención auditiva que incluya las mejores prácticas, lo que le permitirá tener una mejor audición cuando más importa.

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