Tiffany Inman, AuD

No haga concesiones cuando se trata de su tratamiento auditivo. Al seguir las mejores prácticas de audiología y desarrollar protocolos de tratamiento nuevos y eficaces, su proveedor local de la red Hearing Up puede lograr los mejores resultados del sector para sus pacientes.


Inman Audiology

1651 W. Big Beaver Rd,
Troy, MI 48084

Acerca de su audiólogo local aprobado por el Dr. Cliff

About your local Dr. Cliff Approved Hearing Care Provider

Hello, my name is Tiffany Inman, and I am the owner and Director of Inman Audiology in Troy, Michigan. I have a doctorate degree in Audiology from Western Michigan University. I became passionate about working in the field of audiology when my grandfather lost his hearing. He and I were very close and after he lost his hearing he withdrew from conversations and spent less and less time around his grandkids. As a child, I couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t talk to me anymore. As an audiologist, I now understand how difficult it is to hear a high-pitched, fast-talking 7-year-old and don’t begrudge him at all. It was that relationship that pushed me into audiology. I wanted to make sure that no other family missed out on a relationship because of a hearing loss.I myself have tinnitus and have worn hearing aids to treat it since 2014. It has been my biggest dream to open a private practice where I can see patients independently, utilizing evidence-based methods to drive the best outcomes for every patient that walks through my doors. Following that dream, Inman Audiology was opened in September 2020 to serve all individuals with hearing loss and/or tinnitus. I hope that I get the chance to meet you and help you in your hearing healthcare journey.

Why Choose Dr. Inman with Inman Audiology

Atención mejor valorada

Dr. Inman is consistently the most highly rated hearing practice in Troy, MI for a reason -- our #1 focus is your experience! You're in great hands with our team!

Aprobado por el Dr. Cliff

Dr. Inman has completed a thorough 1 on 1 vetting process with Dr. Cliff himself to verify that she follows Best Practices in patient care.

La mejor tecnología auditiva

As an independent Private Practice Audiologist, Dr. Inman will hand-pick the best hearing technology available for your unique needs.

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Reseñas de pacientes


Qué es una audienciaArriba ¿Proveedor?

Trabajar con un audiólogo que siga las mejores prácticas (al igual que Doctor Cliff lo hace en sus clínicas) es la clave para una experiencia de cuidado auditivo que transforme la vida.

Por eso se creó nuestra red, para ayudar a personas como usted a encontrar un audiólogo local que siga las mejores prácticas.

Solo alrededor del 20% de los proveedores siguen las mejores prácticas de audiología

La elección de un proveedor de la red HearingUp garantiza que recibirá una atención auditiva que incluya las mejores prácticas, lo que le permitirá tener una mejor audición cuando más importa.

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