Looking for a great audiologist near you? In this video, Dr. Clifford Olson discusses what you should do to find an excellent, and licensed audiologist in your area.
Difference between Audiologist and Hearing Instrument Specialist: https://youtu.be/tdp5-YimJ0E
Tips on how to Find an Audiologist in your area.
1. Your State's website that controls professional licensing
2. www.HealthGrades.com
3. www.HearingTracker.com
4. www.Google.com
5. Ask Your Primary Care Doctor
Finding the right audiologist should involve using more than one of these tips
Looking for a great audiologist near you? In this video, Dr. Clifford Olson discusses what you should do to find an excellent, and licensed audiologist in your area.
Difference between Audiologist and Hearing Instrument Specialist: https://youtu.be/tdp5-YimJ0E
Tips on how to Find an Audiologist in your area.
1. Your State's website that controls professional licensing
2. www.HealthGrades.com
3. www.HearingTracker.com
4. www.Google.com
5. Ask Your Primary Care Doctor
Finding the right audiologist should involve using more than one of these tips