Find a local hearing healthcare provider that has been personally vetted by Dr. Cliff and verified to use Best Practices in Audiology. When searching for a local hearing care professional, make sure to look for a HearingUp provider! Network now available in North America and Australia.
Disclaimer: The providers in the HearingUp Network (formerly Best Practice Pro) have committed to following the HearingUp Best Practice Checklists as well as several additional criteria to ensure the best interests of individuals with hearing impairment are being taken into account. After meeting the requirements for approval, providers pay a fee to be listed in the Network. While the purpose of the Network is to help consumers find a high-quality hearing healthcare provider, it does not guarantee treatment satisfaction. It is also worth noting that there are many outstanding hearing healthcare providers throughout the world who are not part of the HearingUp Network.
HearingUp has recently expanded to Australia! Click here to see Australian providers.