For those of you who don't know me, my name is Cliff Olson. I am a doctor of audiology and I'm an audiologist at Applied Hearing Solutions and I'm also a YouTuber known as Doctor Cliff AuD on my YouTube channel. So this is gonna be a little bit different. This is basically vlog number one, and you can see that I'm here in this really open space, and I'm gonna get to that and why I'm here.
But let me just kind of rewind and give you an understanding of kind of where I'm from and what I'm actually doing here. When I was younger, I grew up in a small town called Morris, Illinois, and I actually grew up on a farm outside of that town. The town was about 12,000 people, but I grew up on that farm and when I got done with high school, I really didn't know what I was gonna do. I didn't really know what my calling was, and so I ended up going to a community college for about a year. I decided that school is not really for me and at that point I decided to go into the Marine Corps, which is kind of really where this whole story begins.
In my first week of bootcamp, I had to go through a hearing test, and I failed that hearing test several different times in one ear. In my right ear in fact, and I actually had to go to Balboa Medical Hospital to get an MRI to determine why I had this difference in hearing between my right and left ear. Long story short, it was just some kind of a fluke hearing loss. It wasn't related to a tumor growth or anything like that, but that was my first introduction into audiology and I never really thought about it much at that point.
I went through my four years in the Marine Corps,
served overseas in Iraq, got a chance to be scout sniper,
and ultimately when I got out of the military,
I still really didn't know what I wanted to do,
and so I ended up going back to school
and doing massage therapy as well kind of along
the same timeline of that, but once I kind of got
into junior year or so, I really made this decision
of like do I want to be a personal trainer?
Do I want to remain a massage therapist?
'Cause I was going through school to be an exercise science
major, and neither one of those things really were something
that I was extremely passionate about, and so I kind
of started looking around like what could I actually do
profession-wise something thatI would be passionate about?
Something that I, you know would be happy to do
for the rest of my career?
And I ended up finding this profession called audiology,
and it just kind of brought up all these old emotions
that I had back in my first week of bootcamp
to where I was like, you know what, I think that
that's something that I'd like to do.
It's a medical focus, whichI really enjoy that side
of things, it's tech-focused and I'm really into tech,
and then I also get to have this, you know,
patient interaction which is something that I really enjoy
because if I had to sit behind a computer all day just
by myself, it's not something that I would ultimately
end up enjoying.
I really like to be social and interacting
with other individuals.
So I ended up making this decision to apply to universities
to get into a graduate school program for audiology
to get my doctorate, and fortunately University of Illinois
in Champaign-Urbana accepted me, and that kind of started
that next chapter in my life.
Ultimately, when I got through that program,
I ended up moving to Phoenix,Arizona to do my externship,
and once I was done with my externship I ended up graduating
and ultimately starting my own audiology clinic,
Applied Hearing Solutions, which is actually
in Anthem, Arizona.
At least currently it's in Anthem, Arizona,
and kind of around the same time that I started that clinic,
I ended up starting a YouTube channel, and that's actually
where you're watching this video at most likely,
and I started the channel because I really wanted
to empower individuals with information
if you have hearing loss or you know someone
who has hearing loss so you can know the right questions
to ask when you're going into have your hearing tested
and to ultimately receivetreatment for that hearing loss.
My industry isn't necessarilyone of the best industries
from the perspective offollowing best practices.
So there are certain fundamental things
that hearing care professionalsshould be doing in order
to receive maximum resultsfor their patients,
and that's just not somethingthat's done a whole lot,
and we do have someindustry data that suggests
that only 20 to 30% ofhearing care professionals
actually follow best practices.
So that right there was the impetus
to start the YouTubechannel so I could educate
and inform individualsand so they could find
a hearing care professionalwho followed these practices,
and that kind of took on alife of its own to the point
where now there's a ton ofindividuals out there, you know,
asking about where canthey go in their area
to find a hearing careprofessional which kind of led
to the next thing that I started which was
the Doctor Cliff AuDapproved provider network,
and so I have a completelyseparate, you know, website
for that from my client andfrom the YouTube channel.
That's at,but the whole purpose
of that website is for me toessentially vet hearing care
professionals to ensurethat, at least to the best
of my ability, that they'refollowing best practices
and then those providersessentially pay a membership fee
to be listed on the website,and then I use that money
in order to make sure thatI'm continuously vetting
those providers and topromote to consumers,
potentially like yourself, theimportance of best practices
and how to find ahearing care professional
that follows those best practices.
So with that, those providersget put onto that website,
and so depending on where youlive, you might have access
to one or more of those providers.
So you don't have to come all the way out
to see me in Phoenix,Arizona which is actually
where we're at right now.
So kind of the big news forthis video is that I ended up
just purchasing this emptygray shell space here
in Phoenix, Arizona.
It's along two major freewayintersections so it's the
101 highway and then the 51 freeway.
So really easy access pointsessentially here in Phoenix,
and the reason I'm moving out of Anthem,
and it's a little bitof a mixed emotion here,
is that Anthem is kind of tucked away
in its own little communityon the extreme north side
of Phoenix, and the problemis is that I don't really
do marketing to any degree.
A lot of individuals, a lotof my patients just find me
by going on and searching forhearing-related information,
and they end up stumblingacross my YouTube channel,
they become informed, and thenthey feel compelled to come
and actually receive treatment from me,
and I get a lot of patientswho are from outside
of the Anthem area, and thenext logical progression
for me was to move into anarea that's a little bit more
easily accessible to my patients,and that is why I decided
to instead of stayingup in Anthem and staying
in the location I was in, I wanted to kind
of get my home forever so Icould actually have my clinic
here and retire fromhere in Phoenix, Arizona.
I have no desire to expandand have multiple clinics
in a bunch of different locations.
I just like seeing mypatients and having, you know,
the full control of makingsure I have the highest quality
of care possible.
So we just closed on thisspace about a week ago.
Just got our keys about a week ago.
We've been working with an architect,
with a general contractor,and just met with actually
a designer today to getthis space built out,
and hopefully in three tofour months, I'll actually
be functioning here, but Iwant to actually take you guys
through this journey with meof building out this space,
and not just that, but givingyou a more behind the scenes
look into who I am, why I dowhat I do so you can, it's kind
of a different model that Ihave for my YouTube channel.
So my current YouTubechannel is very structured.
I want to make sure that I'mgiving accurate information,
very research-based.
It's highly edited by me.
I do all of it myself, butthis is gonna be a little bit
more free flowing and me justkind of sharing my thoughts
with you, and you'll probablyhear a lot more um's out
of my mouth in this processbecause I'm just not gonna edit
this very much, and I know this video,
I don't know if it soundslike I'm rambling on this.
That's probably gonna besomething where I'm just kind
of giving you my thoughts,and you know it's gonna jump
from one thing to another 'causeI just want to keep you up
to speed with what's kindof going on a little bit
behind the scenes.
That being said, I think thatthis potentially is a way
for you to have a windowinto not just the industry,
but me individually, andyou're gonna get to see kind
of an exciting processwith me building this out
and then sharing, you know,different patient journeys
about hearing loss and hearing treatment,
and I'm really looking forwardto kind of sharing this type
of information with you guys.
So if you're interested inthat, make sure that you hit
that subscribe button.
Make sure you check out myDoctor Cliff AuD website.
Make sure you check
so you don't miss out onanything 'cause I don't know
essentially exactly where all these videos
are gonna be posted.
I presume they'll be on myYouTube channel as well,
so make sure yousubscribe there of course,
and we'll see how it goes, and feel free
to share your comments.
If there's other things thatyou want more insight on
or more behind the scenes accessto, feel free to ask that,
and then I'll probablyeventually end up turning this
into more of a, you know,a vlog, you know, aspect
of even inside of the clinicwhere I can maybe bring
in other outside, you know,patients to kind of talk
about their journeys, outside, you know,
industry individuals to havethem come in and share their
knowledge with you, and thenother hearing care providers,
both here in the samearea that I'm at locally
and providers from, youknow, different states.
Have them come in and kindof share their visions on,
you know, the future ofhearing treatment and what not.
So hopefully this will besomething that you guys find
is valuable, and it's justgonna be completely different
than things that I've done before.
So make sure that you tune in.
If you have any questionsfor me at this point,
please feel free to leave themin the comments section below
and you'll see a lot moreof me here really soon.
(upbeat music)
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Cliff Olson. I am a doctor of audiology and I'm an audiologist at Applied Hearing Solutions and I'm also a YouTuber known as Doctor Cliff AuD on my YouTube channel. So this is gonna be a little bit different. This is basically vlog number one, and you can see that I'm here in this really open space, and I'm gonna get to that and why I'm here.
But let me just kind of rewind and give you an understanding of kind of where I'm from and what I'm actually doing here. When I was younger, I grew up in a small town called Morris, Illinois, and I actually grew up on a farm outside of that town. The town was about 12,000 people, but I grew up on that farm and when I got done with high school, I really didn't know what I was gonna do. I didn't really know what my calling was, and so I ended up going to a community college for about a year. I decided that school is not really for me and at that point I decided to go into the Marine Corps, which is kind of really where this whole story begins.
In my first week of bootcamp, I had to go through a hearing test, and I failed that hearing test several different times in one ear. In my right ear in fact, and I actually had to go to Balboa Medical Hospital to get an MRI to determine why I had this difference in hearing between my right and left ear. Long story short, it was just some kind of a fluke hearing loss. It wasn't related to a tumor growth or anything like that, but that was my first introduction into audiology and I never really thought about it much at that point.
I went through my four years in the Marine Corps,
served overseas in Iraq, got a chance to be scout sniper,
and ultimately when I got out of the military,
I still really didn't know what I wanted to do,
and so I ended up going back to school
and doing massage therapy as well kind of along
the same timeline of that, but once I kind of got
into junior year or so, I really made this decision
of like do I want to be a personal trainer?
Do I want to remain a massage therapist?
'Cause I was going through school to be an exercise science
major, and neither one of those things really were something
that I was extremely passionate about, and so I kind
of started looking around like what could I actually do
profession-wise something thatI would be passionate about?
Something that I, you know would be happy to do
for the rest of my career?
And I ended up finding this profession called audiology,
and it just kind of brought up all these old emotions
that I had back in my first week of bootcamp
to where I was like, you know what, I think that
that's something that I'd like to do.
It's a medical focus, whichI really enjoy that side
of things, it's tech-focused and I'm really into tech,
and then I also get to have this, you know,
patient interaction which is something that I really enjoy
because if I had to sit behind a computer all day just
by myself, it's not something that I would ultimately
end up enjoying.
I really like to be social and interacting
with other individuals.
So I ended up making this decision to apply to universities
to get into a graduate school program for audiology
to get my doctorate, and fortunately University of Illinois
in Champaign-Urbana accepted me, and that kind of started
that next chapter in my life.
Ultimately, when I got through that program,
I ended up moving to Phoenix,Arizona to do my externship,
and once I was done with my externship I ended up graduating
and ultimately starting my own audiology clinic,
Applied Hearing Solutions, which is actually
in Anthem, Arizona.
At least currently it's in Anthem, Arizona,
and kind of around the same time that I started that clinic,
I ended up starting a YouTube channel, and that's actually
where you're watching this video at most likely,
and I started the channel because I really wanted
to empower individuals with information
if you have hearing loss or you know someone
who has hearing loss so you can know the right questions
to ask when you're going into have your hearing tested
and to ultimately receivetreatment for that hearing loss.
My industry isn't necessarilyone of the best industries
from the perspective offollowing best practices.
So there are certain fundamental things
that hearing care professionalsshould be doing in order
to receive maximum resultsfor their patients,
and that's just not somethingthat's done a whole lot,
and we do have someindustry data that suggests
that only 20 to 30% ofhearing care professionals
actually follow best practices.
So that right there was the impetus
to start the YouTubechannel so I could educate
and inform individualsand so they could find
a hearing care professionalwho followed these practices,
and that kind of took on alife of its own to the point
where now there's a ton ofindividuals out there, you know,
asking about where canthey go in their area
to find a hearing careprofessional which kind of led
to the next thing that I started which was
the Doctor Cliff AuDapproved provider network,
and so I have a completelyseparate, you know, website
for that from my client andfrom the YouTube channel.
That's at,but the whole purpose
of that website is for me toessentially vet hearing care
professionals to ensurethat, at least to the best
of my ability, that they'refollowing best practices
and then those providersessentially pay a membership fee
to be listed on the website,and then I use that money
in order to make sure thatI'm continuously vetting
those providers and topromote to consumers,
potentially like yourself, theimportance of best practices
and how to find ahearing care professional
that follows those best practices.
So with that, those providersget put onto that website,
and so depending on where youlive, you might have access
to one or more of those providers.
So you don't have to come all the way out
to see me in Phoenix,Arizona which is actually
where we're at right now.
So kind of the big news forthis video is that I ended up
just purchasing this emptygray shell space here
in Phoenix, Arizona.
It's along two major freewayintersections so it's the
101 highway and then the 51 freeway.
So really easy access pointsessentially here in Phoenix,
and the reason I'm moving out of Anthem,
and it's a little bitof a mixed emotion here,
is that Anthem is kind of tucked away
in its own little communityon the extreme north side
of Phoenix, and the problemis is that I don't really
do marketing to any degree.
A lot of individuals, a lotof my patients just find me
by going on and searching forhearing-related information,
and they end up stumblingacross my YouTube channel,
they become informed, and thenthey feel compelled to come
and actually receive treatment from me,
and I get a lot of patientswho are from outside
of the Anthem area, and thenext logical progression
for me was to move into anarea that's a little bit more
easily accessible to my patients,and that is why I decided
to instead of stayingup in Anthem and staying
in the location I was in, I wanted to kind
of get my home forever so Icould actually have my clinic
here and retire fromhere in Phoenix, Arizona.
I have no desire to expandand have multiple clinics
in a bunch of different locations.
I just like seeing mypatients and having, you know,
the full control of makingsure I have the highest quality
of care possible.
So we just closed on thisspace about a week ago.
Just got our keys about a week ago.
We've been working with an architect,
with a general contractor,and just met with actually
a designer today to getthis space built out,
and hopefully in three tofour months, I'll actually
be functioning here, but Iwant to actually take you guys
through this journey with meof building out this space,
and not just that, but givingyou a more behind the scenes
look into who I am, why I dowhat I do so you can, it's kind
of a different model that Ihave for my YouTube channel.
So my current YouTubechannel is very structured.
I want to make sure that I'mgiving accurate information,
very research-based.
It's highly edited by me.
I do all of it myself, butthis is gonna be a little bit
more free flowing and me justkind of sharing my thoughts
with you, and you'll probablyhear a lot more um's out
of my mouth in this processbecause I'm just not gonna edit
this very much, and I know this video,
I don't know if it soundslike I'm rambling on this.
That's probably gonna besomething where I'm just kind
of giving you my thoughts,and you know it's gonna jump
from one thing to another 'causeI just want to keep you up
to speed with what's kindof going on a little bit
behind the scenes.
That being said, I think thatthis potentially is a way
for you to have a windowinto not just the industry,
but me individually, andyou're gonna get to see kind
of an exciting processwith me building this out
and then sharing, you know,different patient journeys
about hearing loss and hearing treatment,
and I'm really looking forwardto kind of sharing this type
of information with you guys.
So if you're interested inthat, make sure that you hit
that subscribe button.
Make sure you check out myDoctor Cliff AuD website.
Make sure you check
so you don't miss out onanything 'cause I don't know
essentially exactly where all these videos
are gonna be posted.
I presume they'll be on myYouTube channel as well,
so make sure yousubscribe there of course,
and we'll see how it goes, and feel free
to share your comments.
If there's other things thatyou want more insight on
or more behind the scenes accessto, feel free to ask that,
and then I'll probablyeventually end up turning this
into more of a, you know,a vlog, you know, aspect
of even inside of the clinicwhere I can maybe bring
in other outside, you know,patients to kind of talk
about their journeys, outside, you know,
industry individuals to havethem come in and share their
knowledge with you, and thenother hearing care providers,
both here in the samearea that I'm at locally
and providers from, youknow, different states.
Have them come in and kindof share their visions on,
you know, the future ofhearing treatment and what not.
So hopefully this will besomething that you guys find
is valuable, and it's justgonna be completely different
than things that I've done before.
So make sure that you tune in.
If you have any questionsfor me at this point,
please feel free to leave themin the comments section below
and you'll see a lot moreof me here really soon.
(upbeat music)