When Real Ear Measurement FAILS! | Hearing Aid Programming

Video transcript

Real Ear Measurement is the only way to verify if your hearing aids are meeting your hearing loss prescription.  

REM Video:  https://youtu.be/cHR0Oa6I-wY  However, there are some conditions where Real Ear Measurement will not get you that perfect hearing aid fitting. In my last year as an audiology student, I attempted to reach  hearing aid amplification prescriptive targets using Real Ear Measurement.  

However, the patient had a mastoidectomy on his right ear.  Upon programming him up to targets, he proceeded to vomit all over my office.  This is when I first realized you can't just force everyone to hear at their prescription.  There are several other conditions where you may not be able to rely on Real Ear Measurement 100%.  

The following conditions may not allow you to reach prescriptive targets:

1. Mastoidectomies

2. Otosclerosis

3. Ruptured Eardrums

4. Choleseatomas

5. Ossicular Chain Discontinuity

Not being able to reach prescriptive targets using Real Ear Measurement is common in individuals who have a conductive hearing loss.  However, just because you have  a condition where you may not be able to reach your prescription, it doesn't mean that Real Ear Measurement shouldn't be done.  It is still the only way to know where you are at in relation to your hearing loss prescription.  So the next time your hearing care provider says that Real Ear Measurement isn't necessary, just smile and say "Yes I know, but I still want to see how close I am to my prescription".

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