Why I LOVE HearingTracker.com

Video transcript

It's no secret that I've been a huge fan of Hearing Tracker for several years now.  In fact, I highlighted them in on of my first videos on this channel.  It doesn't hurt that they feature some of my videos on their site as well.It seems like every time I look at their site, they've added some new features to help you better navigate the world of hearing treatment.  

So I'm going to give you the 5 reasons why I LOVE HearingTracker.com

#1. The Provider Directory - Not only can you locate hearing aid clinics in your area, you can do that on Google.  The biggest thing is that you can filter the results based on different search criteria such as Brand of hearing aid, Diagnostic Testing services offered, and most importantly by who offers Real Ear Measurement - https://youtu.be/cHR0Oa6I-wY

#2. Expert Answers from Hearing Healthcare Providers - This feature allows you to ask questions to a community of Hearing Care Professionals.  You often receive several answers within a few hours to give you multiple perspectives on your treatment options.  

#3. The News Articles - Hearing Tracker stays on top of industry news to keep you up to speed on the world of hearing treatment.  These well written articles give you an inside look at what's going on with hearing aids and hearing loss research.

#4. The Hearing Aid Forum - The Forum lets you post questions or comments to a large group of Hearing Tracker Consumer members.  If you want the opinion of other consumers with hearing loss, this is the place for you.  You can read threads without being a member, but if you want to contribute, you will need a FREE Hearing Tracker account.

#5. The Hearing Aid Directory - This directory gives you a list of nearly all the hearing aids that you would be available to treat your hearing loss. This can be overwhelming, but by using the filter, you can limit your results do devices that have the features that you want.

Overall, Hearing Tracker offers a lot of great resources for individuals with hearing loss, so if you want to check them out, just go to https://www.HearingTracker.com or just type "Hearing Tracker" in to your search bar.

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