Hearing Aids not working? A troubleshooting guide for modern hearing aids
There is nothing more frustrating than going about your day-to-day activities, when suddenly you notice that your hearing aids are not functioning properly.
There is nothing more frustrating than going about your day-to-day activities, when suddenly you notice that your hearing aids are not functioning properly.
There is nothing more frustrating than going about your day-to-day activities, when suddenly you notice that your hearing aids are not functioning properly. You may feel as though your hearing aids are weak, or muffled, or even sound like sizzling bacon. Each of these challenges has a solution, and I will walk you through each of them so you may attempt to fix them at home. Remember, each manufacturer’s hearing aids are built slightly different, so if you struggle to troubleshoot at home, you will need to contact your audiologist.
There are a number of things than can cause your hearing aids to sound too quiet. The first thing I recommend all patients do is, if you have battery operated devices, change your battery! This may not apply to you if you have rechargeable devices, but it is a good idea to be sure they are, in fact, charged. The first thing your audiologist will check are your wax guards. These small, white filters on the tip of the hearing aid can become blocked with ear wax or other debris from inside the ear canal. Before driving to your audiologist’s office, see if you can replace it on your own. However, before I explain how to change these small wax guards, it is important to note that each manufacturer uses a slightly different type of wax guard, and it is important to ensure you are utilizing the proper ones for your devices.
Generally, a hearing aid that has all components inside the ears (an ITE device) will have a small, white wax guard at the tip of the device. If you have a hearing aid that has a component behind the ear as well as a custom acrylic earmold, these next steps apply to your device as well.
If you have a hearing aid that has a component that goes behind the ear, but it is not coupled to a custom-molded earpiece, these next steps will aid you in removing and replacing your wax guard.
If you have been fit with a Phonak hearing aid that uses the black, round disk as an applicator, the process is only slightly different.
After replacing the wax guard, if you still feel as though your hearing aids are not as loud as they should be, you may need to clean out the microphones of your hearing aids. To do this, you will need the small brush that came with your devices or a soft toothbrush.
Once cleared, if the hearing aid still does not sound as loud as expected, contact your audiologist for an appointment so they may inspect the device and determine if further repair is required.
Static in the hearing aid is often a sign that one of two things are happening: The receiver wire has broken or the microphones have broken. There is a simple test to see which component is the culprit.
In the event of static, you will need to make an appointment with your audiologist to address the issue. If the receiver wire needs replacing, most providers will be able to replace it in-office. However, a malfunction of the microphone will require the device be sent to the manufacturer for repair.
Feedback is a common occurrence from patients that is usually easily addressed. First, occasional feedback is not uncommon, especially if you have non-custom domes, and it may only occur in specific conditions. For example, when you are seated with your ear close to a hard surface or when you lean in to hug a friend or family member. This creates momentary feedback which ends when you remove yourself from the situation. However, if you’re continuing to notice squealing from your hearing aids, it may be caused by one of the following:
This is certainly not an exhaustive list of challenges you may have with your hearing aids, and if you try any of these troubleshooting tips on your own and are still having difficulty, please contact your hearing care provider. Our number one goal is to help you hear your best and we never want you to be without sound.
Kelsey Beck is an audiology resident at Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona. She is completing her final year of her Doctor of Audiology program at Arizona State University. Kelsey is dedicated to providing high-quality education and best practice care to her patients and community. In her spare time, Kelsey is also an avid musical theatre and San Francisco Giants fan.
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