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Sony CRE-C10

The Sony CRE-C10 is a small, in-the-ear, do-it-yourself hearing solution for those with mild to moderate hearing loss. The CRE-C10 was developed in partnership with WS Audiology, the company behind the Widex and Signia hearing aid brands.

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The Sony CRE-C10 hearing aids are designed to be over the counter, small, in-the-ear hearing aids that allow people to find a hearing solution for their needs quickly. These hearing aids are best for people with mild to moderate hearing loss, developed using WS Audiology technology, which is the company that is noted for Widex and Signia hearing aids. 

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Dr Cliff's Pros and Cons


  • Invisible
  • App controlled
  • Long battery life
  • Proven Signia technology inside


  • Non-rechargeable
  • Difficult to fit in small ears
  • Hard to handle with poor finger dexterity
  • No Bluetooth streaming

Features of the Sony CRE-C10

There are a few key features of the Sony CRE-C10 that make it a hearing aid worth taking a closer look at, and in some ways, this is an impressive option for those looking for a fast solution to mild hearing loss. Here are some of the most notable features.

Nearly invisible

One of the best features for many people is that this in-the-ear hearing aid is hard to notice once it is in place. Making it virtually invisible, it becomes possible not to have to answer questions about hearing loss. They are an instant-fit solution, meaning they do not require a special fitting for the user. Though the shape and size of a person’s ear canal can play a role in how invisible these hearing aids are, most people note they are quite comfortable.

Good sound quality

The Sony CRE-C10 hearing aids create prescription-grade hearing improvement for individuals. The sound quality is crystal clear for many people with mild hearing loss. This can make it easier to engage in conversations and navigate noisy environments. 

Long battery life

The Sony CRE-C10 hearing aids do not come with rechargeable batteries. That means that the battery will need to be replaced over time. However, they offer up to 70 hours of battery life before needing to be replaced. 

Smartphone control available

Though the CRE-C10 hearing aids are not Bluetooth compatible, which means they cannot stream sound or calls, they are controlled with a smartphone. Users can download the Sony Hearing Control app to their smartphones. The app will then create a chirping sound that allows it to link to the hearing aids. Once that connectivity happens, it is then possible for users to take the hearing test that is within the app. The app also allows users to make changes to the functionality of the hearing aids. The app is available for both Android and Apple devices. 

The self-administered hearing test is easy enough to take, especially in a quiet environment. However, it is a critical step to ensure the hearing aid is programmed to work to meet your needs. Once that is done, the app also provides some control for key features, such as increasing or decreasing the overall loudness of the hearing aids. It then allows for volume control and sound balance control. 

Automatic sound analysis 

One of the key features of the Sony CRE-C10 hearing aids is that they will automatically analyze and then adjust to sound within the environment. That means they will allow for the optimization of sound no matter where the person is, such as in a quiet room or a busy restaurant. This helps to make it easier to use hearing aids in any environment.

To achieve this goal, the hearing aids have quality noise reduction features. The microphones are more focused as well. This helps to improve hearing in environments where there is traditionally a higher level of background noise present. In day-to-day life, this can help people who have mild to moderate hearing loss see a significant amount of improvement. 

Competitive Pricing

The Sony CRE-C10 hearing aids are a solid option for those who want an over the counter solution to their hearing loss and want to keep costs down. Priced at under $1,000 (though prices will differ), these hearing aids are a reliable solution for those looking for a simple solution overall. They are not worth the investment to anyone who has more serious hearing loss, though. 

The CRE-C10 is the entry level option for the company. It is a more affordable option than other products on the market and provides a good but moderate level of improvement. 

Key Benefits of the Sony CRE-C10 Hearing Aids

For those determining which hearing aids are best for them, there are a few things that help the CRE-C10 hearing aids stand out:

  • They slip into the ear canal properly with several adjustment options to make them comfortable and hard to see.
  • The self-administered test makes it possible to get a solution to hearing loss right away without having to have a more formal appointment.
  • The use of these hearing aids is reliable for people with mild hearing loss and some with moderate hearing loss, though fine tuning with an audiologist can help ensure the process is more effective.

The Sony CRE-C10 is a good entry level product for those looking for a way to get quick improvement in sound quality. 

Sony CRE-C10

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