Hearing Loss At Work | Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) | Reasonable Accommodations

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Under the ADA, public and private employers with 15 or more employees must provide reasonable accommodations for their employees with hearing loss.  

To make a request, just ASK your employer!  Just make sure you do so in written form via e-mail or letter.  

Reasonable Accommodation Request Letter:  https://askjan.org/media/downloads/ac...

Employers are usually more than willing to help their employees hear better in the workplace.

If your employer does not have 15 employees, you may still be in luck.  

Check your state to see if they have a Vocational Rehabilitation program to help you with reasonable accommodations.  If you have more questions or need more help check out the following websites:https://www.ADA.govhttps://www.AskJan.org

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